Why do you need to learn this Module?

It is important for you to keep yourself healthy, especially if you decide to migrate and are away from home. You can achieve this by knowing about basic person hygiene, common diseases and knowing how to access health services that you might need. It is also essential for you to know about reproductive health and the precautions you need to take.

What will you learn in this Module?

  • Lesson 1: Basic Personal Hygiene and Common Diseases: washing your hands, cleaning your teeth,keeping yourself clean, washing your clothes, how to protect yourself from germs and diarrhea, how to prevent lice, malaria, dengue and other common diseases
  • Lesson 2: Reproductive Health: what is an STI, how to protect yourself from STIs, what is HIV and AIDS, HIV and AIDS myths, high risk behaviors, the consequences of STIs and HIV
  • Lesson 3: Accessing Health Services: the different kinds of health services available, the importance of using health services, health care rights at work, health services provided for migrant or low income families

Start Lesson 1: Personal Hygiene and Diseases  >>

A youth is accompanied by  a woman to a health center.