Why do you need to learn this Module?
For some young people migration is positive, for others it is not. Finishing education early, migrating without making proper preparations and without enough information is risky. Many young migrants end up getting cheated, abused, trafficked or arrested. This module tells you some of the dangers, and if you do decide to migrate, it tells you how to do so safely.
What will you learn in this Module?
- Lesson 1: Trafficking in Persons – definitions, examples, who are traffickers, tricks they use
- Lesson 2: Migrating Legally and Safely – benefits, dangers, documents you need, safety tips
- Lesson 3: Avoiding Getting Cheated – Tips for when at your new destination
- Lesson 4: Preparing for the Big Move – Things to learn; bank accounts and documents to organise before you go
- Lesson 5: Communicating with Family – how to make international calls, set up email, Facebook, texts to stay in contact with home